San Juan Headwaters Shown as example
San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership has been included in a document discussing collaboration between scientists and communities. Read the document.
San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership has been included in a document discussing collaboration between scientists and communities. Read the document.
SAN JUAN NATIONAL FOREST 15 Burnett Court Durango, Colorado 81301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 12, 2016 Prescribed Burning Continues in Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa Area PAGOSA SPRINGS – The Pagosa Ranger District is resuming prescribed burning operations on National Forest lands in the Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa area northwest of Pagosa Springs. The units to be…
24 July 2020 Historic logging and mining activities in CO have in part shaped the forests of today by impacting age, size, and species diversity. A history of wildfire suppression in the 20th century and changing climate dynamics have also contributed to the current state of our forests. Read more about this article HERE. This…
Firefighters are responding to a rapidly growing wildfire in the Mitchell Lakes area north of Hermosa. The fire was reported about 9:50 a.m. Friday. It started in the Iron King area and moved west into the Mitchell Lakes area. Read More Here
By Katie Fiegenbaum, Cortez Journal Staff Writer “It is very encouraging to see these initiatives, especially with the emphasis on watershed and water quality as they relate to forest health,” said Aaron Kimple, program coordinator for the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership. The partnership is a community group of stakeholders focused on improving forest health…
A rural inter-mountain west community is one step closer to healthy forests, being preemptive to beetle attacks and producing renewable energy. These great opportunities can become reality now that Pagosa Cattle Company has been awarded the Pagosa Long Term Stewardship (PLTS) contract. This is a 10 year contract that focuses on restoring the area’s forests…
14 August 2020 “As innovators work on creative solutions to deal with fires, others stress that one key to mitigating risk is more cultural: can humans learn to better coexist with fire?” Read more from this article HERE. This is the last installment of a 4-part series about fire published in the Summit Daily News.