
The Mixed Conifer Knowledge Synthesis was developed in response to the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership (SJHFHP) 2019 request to the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI) to compile and synthesize the current best available science for mixed conifer forests. CFRI and the Mountain Studies Institute (MSI) staff collaborated to create this knowledge synthesis with additional authorship from USDA-Rocky Mountain Research Station and USDA-Forest Service staff. Developed between 2019 and 2021 with engagement and input from the SJHFHP and the San Juan National Forest via collaborative discussions and field trips, the purpose of the presentation and paper is to compile current and best available science for mixed conifer forest ecology to inform future management efforts and research needs with specific information relating to the San Juan Mountain Region.

Remke et al. 2021 Mixed Conifer serves as an update to the 2021 Mixed-Conifer Forests in Southwest Colorado: A summary of Existing Knowledge and Considerations for Restoration and Management (Pelz 2010).

Each year, the Aspen Center for Environmental Sustainability (ACES) produces a State of the Forest Report for the Roaring Fork Watershed. In 2019, ACES partnered with Mountain Studies Institute to produce the first edition focused on the San Juan National Forest in Southwest Colorado. These reports provide local updates on the climate for the past year and investigate many of the most pressing issues currently facing our forests.

This edition focuses on the relationship between forests and watersheds. However, as is often the case in forest and watershed health, it is impossible to untether the issues of beetle and climate and fire and drought from one another, understanding that water is the common thread.