Prescribed Burns Planned for Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa and First Fork Areas on the Pagosa Ranger District

Prescribed Burns Planned for Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa and First Fork Areas on the Pagosa Ranger District

Release Date: Apr 5, 2018

The Pagosa Ranger District is planning to burn approximately 400 acres in the Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa areas northwest of Pagosa Springs, CO. Operations may begin as early as the week of April 9th; actual dates of operations will be dependent on weather and fuels conditions. Burn units are located adjacent to the Turkey Springs (FSR Road 629), East Monument (FSR 630), and Brockover (FSR 919) Roads and Gopher Trail (Trail #303). Another 100 acres of burn units are located adjacent to the First Fork Road (FSR 622) between Pagosa and Bayfield.

Ignition operations may take place over several days. Burning operations will be conducted by district personnel and other fire resources from the San Juan National Forest and cooperating agencies. The purpose is to reduce hazardous ground fuels, reduce the risk of unplanned catastrophic wildfire, restore ponderosa pine ecosystems and improve wildlife habitat.

The forest consists of ponderosa pine, Gambel oak and grass.  The units have received previous fuels-reduction treatments. The Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa project expands upon prescribed burns which took place in the fall of 2016, and is part of an overall fuels reduction project involving both mechanical treatment and prescribed fire, covering approximately 5,000 acres.

Ponderosa pine forests are a fire adapted ecosystem, which historically experienced frequent, low intensity fires on a large scale. Prescribed fire replicates that fire regime under controlled conditions. Prescribed fires will only be ignited when all weather, fuels and smoke requirements are met.


For additional information, please contact Fred Ellis, Assistant Fire Management Officer (Fuels), Pagosa Ranger District (970) 264-1541.


Smoke from wildfires and prescribed fires may affect your health. For more information, please go to: .

For information on prescribed burning on the San Juan National Forest, call 970 247-4874, visit the Forest Website at:, or follow us at:


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