Prescribed Burn Planned for Turkey Springs/ Brockover Mesa/ Washington Flats


15 Burnett Court

Durango, Colorado 81301


Prescribed Burns Planned for Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa and Washington Flats Areas

PAGOSA SPRINGS – The Pagosa Ranger District plans to burn approximately 800 acres in the Turkey Springs/Brockover Mesa areas, beginning the week of Sept 19, 2016. The units are between the Newt Jack and Turkey Springs Roads northwest of Pagosa Springs. This project expands upon earlier prescribed burns, which took place last month as part of an overall fuels-reduction project involving both mechanical treatment and prescribed fire covering approximately 5,000 acres.

An additional 200 acres are also planned for burning within the same time frame in the Washington Flats/Vega la Juana area east of Chimney Rock and south of Capote Lake. The actual dates of operations will be dependent on weather and fuels conditions.thumbnail_img_2006

The areas targeted for prescribed fire consist of ponderosa pine, Gambel oak and grass, and have received previous fuels-reduction treatments. Daily burn operations will range from 190 to 325 acres, with ignition taking place over several consecutive days. Burning operations will be conducted by firefighters from the San Juan National Forest and cooperating agencies. The purpose is to reduce hazardous ground fuels and the risk of unplanned catastrophic wildfire by restoring ponderosa pine ecosystems, which will also improve wildlife habitat. Ponderosa pine is a fire-adapted species, which historically experienced frequent, low- intensity fires on a large scale. Prescribed fire replicates that fire regime under controlled conditions. Prescribed fires are only be ignited when all weather, fuels and smoke requirements are met.


For additional information, please contact Fred Ellis, Assistant Fire Management Officer (Fuels), at (970) 264-1541.


Smoke from wildfires and prescribed fires may affect your health. For more information, please go to:

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