Mulch sales support local community group

By Aaron Kimple
Special to The SUN

Temperatures are up, streams are running and plants are starting to leaf out. You have begun to dress up the yard for the season’s barbecues and festivities. Vegetables are being planted in beds. What you need most is mulch. There is an opportunity to purchase locally generated mulch, encourage healthy, fire resistant forests and support a local group working to make the community stronger for the long-term.

Healthy forests mean healthy communities. The San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership (SJHFHP) is a group composed of local citizens, businesses, Archuleta Firewise, county representatives, environmental groups, resource managers and federal land managers. The group works to address forest health issues, wildfire risk and watershed/water quality concerns throughout the community. SJHFHP offers educational opportunities, monitors forest treatments and discusses how to prevent catastrophic impacts from wildfire on necessary resources (i.e. clean water).

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